21 September 2019

                   11:00 AM

 concert hall in Klaviergale

Kaiserstraße 10,

1070 Wien, Austria 

II International Chopin Piano Competition  

20-21 September 2019 Vienna -Austria 




Rules and regulations 




1. The II International Chopin Piano Competition '' II internazional Chopin Klavier Wetbewerb'' is Organised by the music foundation ''Gloria Artis'' with Cooperation of Poliniches institute Wien , Forum der Polen Wien , Wien kultur , and Baylor University School of music .  


2.The Competition will be held in Vienna between 19-21 September 2019  in  ''KlavierGalerie'' concert hall which in located

 Kaiserstraße 10, 1070 Wien, Austria .


3. The competition is open to all pianists from any nationality born after January 1 1982 . The contestants will be grouped in 7 categories from 1 to 7.


Category 1 up to 10 years old : 


Program :


- One work by F.Chopin . 

- One work free chosen  

                                                - max.  7 min -  


Category 2 up to 13 years old : 




- One work by F.Chopin 

- One work free chosen 

                                                 - max. 10 min - 


Category 3 up to 16 years old : 




- One work by F.Chopin (preferable scherzo, polonaise ,mazurkas)

- One free chosen virtuosistic etude (Chopin etudes are preferable ) 

- One free chosen work - max. 15 min - 


Category 4 up to 20 years old : 




- One work by F.Chopin ( Preferable scherzo, polonaise , ballade) 

- One F.Chopin etude or a virtuosistic work 

 -One work free chosen 

         - max.20 min - 


Category 5 up to 35 years old: 




- One on the folowing works  by F.Chopin scherzo, ballade, barcharoll 

 - One F.Chopin etude .

 - One work free chosen 


-max. 25 min - 


3. All works are presented by memories with out repetition . 


4. Documents must  to be sended by e-mail  and included : 


- Application form 

- a photography 

- fee payment  


5. Registration deadline is 20 August 2019 


6. The participation fee for the competition is 50 EUR to be paided before competition 

Bank account : 




7. If you do not attend the contest, the participation fee will not be refunded.


8. The costs of transport, accommodation and meals will be borne by competitors. On-demand reservations can be made at the hostel or hotel.


9. All contests are public and will take place at the




16. Competitors will be assessed according to the following criteria:- respecting the musical text;- technical achievement;- artistic achievement;- the interpretative personality.


17. The Jury reserves the right to discontinue the competitor if the maximum duration specified in the Regulation is exceeded.


18. the jury contains flowoing judges:


Prof.Mariusz Dziewicki ( Music Acadeny in Lodz-Poland) 

Prof.Brian Marks ( Baylor Unversity - School of Music Texas -USA) 

Prof.Stefan Moller ( University of Music and arts in Vienna -Austria)


M.A Ayham Hammour ( secretary) 


19. Since signing up, competitors have accepted all the conditions for participation.




Category 1 and 2  : 


-  I prize : scholarship to the next edition of Festival Gloria Artis in Vienna including free participation and accomodation, diploma and cup 

- II prize :  scholarship to the next edition of Festival Gloria Artis in Vienna including free participation and accomodation, diploma and cup 

- III prize diploma and cup . 

- honors diplomas 


category 3 and 4 : 


-  I prize scholarship to the Summer Piano Institute of Baylor University School of Music ( Texas-USA) , diploma and cup.

- II prize  scholarship to the summer Piano institute of Baylor University School of Music ( Texas-USA), diploma and cup.

- III prize diploma and cup. 

- honors diplomas 


Category 5 :


- cash prize for the I prize , diploma and cup 

- II prize diploma and cup 

- III prize diploma and cup 

- honors diplomas .



Download application form here   







              II Międzynarodowy Chopinowski Konkurs Pianistyczny

Wiedeń 19-21 września 2019r.



              II International Chopin Piano Competition 

                           Vienna 19-21 September 2019 



            II Internazionaler Chopin Klavierwettbewerb 

                           Wien  19-21 September 2019