Rules and condtitions
Art.1 V International Gloria Artis Music Competition is open for all musicians form any nationality and without age limit.
Art.2 Competition is open for all instruments, jazz and chamber music ensembles.
Art. 3 Competition will be held online
Art.4 Participants apply to the following sections and categories:
Section I - Piano :
Category A up to 10 years old (born in 2014 or after) - free program max.5 min.
Category B up to 12 years old - free program max.7 min.
Category C up to 14 years old - free program max.10 min.
Category D up to 17 years old - free program max.12 mi
Category E up to 21 years old - free program max.15min.
Category F (Professional) no age limit - free program max. 20 min.
Category J (non-professional) - free program max. 7 min.
Section II - Piano duo or Piano 4 hands:
Category A: The average age is 12 years - free program max.7 min.
Category B: The average age is 16 years - free program max.10 min.
Category C : The average age is 20 years- free program max.15 min.
Caregory D (Professional) : no age limit - free program max.20 min.
Section III - Strings solo (solo and/or with piano accompaniment )
Category A up to 10 years old (born in 2014 or after) - free program max. 5 min.
Category B up to 12 years - free program max. 7 min.
Category C up to 14 years old - free program max.10 min.
Category D up to 17 years old - free program max.12 min.
Cateogry E up to 21 years old - free program max. 15 min.
Category F (Professional) no age limit - free program max.20 min.
Section IV - Winds solo (solo and/or with piano accompaniment )
Category A up to 10 years old (born in 2014 or after) - free program max. 5 min.
Category B up to 12 years old - free program max. 7 min.
Category C up to 14 years old - free program max.10 min.
Category D up to 17 years old - free program max.12 min.
Cateogry E up to 21 years old - free program max. 15 min.
Category F (Professional) no age limit - free program max.20 min.
Section V- Classical Vocal:
Category A up to 18 years old - free choice of 3 contrasting works
Category B up to 22 years old- free choice of 3 contrasting works
Category C no age limit - free choice of 3 contrasting works
Section VI- Jazz ensembles
Category A Jazz Combo – must have a minimum of 4 players, and a maximum of 8 players - free program up to 10 min.
Category B Jazz Big Band – must have a minimum of 11 players and no more than 20 players - free program
up to 15 min.
- Ensembles in Big Band Category must inclued of at least 1 trumpet, 1 saxophone or 1 trombone.
-Every ensemble must feature at least 3 soloists.
- important: Vocalists are counted as players in the ensembles.
Section VII- Chamber Music ensembles:
Category A : The average age of the ensemble up to 12 years - free program max. 5 min
Cateogry B : The average age of the ensemble up to 14 years - free program max.8 min
Cateogry C : The average age of the ensemble up to 17 years - free program max.10 min.
Category D : The average age of the ensemble up to 21 years - free program max.12 min.
Category E : No age limit - free program max. 20 min.
Art.5 Participants are allowed either to perform their program with the score or by heart.
Art. 6 Participants perform music form any period including contemporary music.
Music which isn't published is not accepted.
Art.7 Participant most submit their application online attaching a document which proves his age , Program
and copy of the entrance fee payment .
Art.8 Application deadline is 16th of February 2025.
Art.9 Application fee is 70 EUR.
Application fee for jazz and chamber music ensemble- 35 EUR for each member.
Bank details :
Benefit name : Gloria Artis Verein
Adress: Eduard Klein Gasse 7
1130 Wien- Austria
Iban: AT 44 2011 1837 1673 4400
Bank name: Die Erste Bank
Important !! Participant bears the cost of the transfer otherwise we will send you back the transfer on your cost and cancel the application .
You can also pay using PayPal- please contact us first on: -
please note that payment must include the PayPal tranfer fee depending on your country.
You can also pay using Revolut - please contact us on
Art.10 Recordings requierments:
►Only links to the public platform like YouTube are acepted – please do not send files to download.
►Please make sure your video is not mark as a „private”
►The full names of the the piece, the composer and the performer(s), must be include in the video title or description.
►Participants may play with scores
►The recording may be made using a static camera or mobile phone.
►The whole piece must be recorded in one cut.
►Videos or sound edition is not allowed.
►The whole silhouette as well as hands of the contestant must be clearly visible.
►Competitors may submit as many videos as pieces..
►The video for competition purposes can’t be made earlier than 12 months prior to the competition.
► By participation in competition, competitors automatically disown the right for any material (financial) remuneration regarding
eventual publication and distribution of submited music video recordings and the other sent materials.
► By sending applicaion and recordibgs you agree for processing your personal data for promotional purpuses of Gloria Artis Association.
Art.11 Jury of the competition is chossen among famous and renowned international musicians and professors
Art.12 Jury evaluates performences due to its inner regulations
Art.13 Jury decision is final and irrevocable .
Art.14 the deadline to send applications is 16th of February 2025
Results announcement 23th of February 2025
for more information don't hesitate to contact us :
Awards and evaluation:
Participants performences will be evalueted according to the following average points:
Ist prize : from 90 to 100
II prize : from 80 to 89
III prize : from 73 to 79
Honorable mentions : from 70 to 72
All winners will be awarded by diplomas.
Best winners in each category will perform during the IV International Gloria Artis Talents Festival in May 2025.
Art.15 Participants and teachers receive their diplomas by E-mail
Art.16 The International Music Association Gloria Artis reserves the right to make any modifications on
rules and schedules of the competition.